176 research outputs found

    The Outlook of Islamic Banking Model: Global & India Perspective

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    Islamic Banking Model is in the stage of evolving reality by continuously testing and refining. This paper examines the efficiency, growth, changes, challenge & outlook of Islamic banking Model by the different countries. However, Indian banks differ in their application. These differences are due to several reasons including the laws of the country, objectives of the RBI, individual bank’s circumstances and experiences, the need to interact with other interest-based banks, etc. There is no doubt that Islamic banking Model has a huge potential across world but for India it still need some strong policy decision to make it a reality. Keywords: Islamic banking; financial system; banking regulation; conventional accounting; Shariah

    Survey on Privacy Preservation in Personalized Web Environment

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    Personalized web search (PWS) is a general category of search techniques aiming at providing different search results for different users or organize search results differently for each user, based upon their interest, preferences and information needs. As the expense, user information has to be collected and analyzed to figure out the user intention behind the issued query. However, users are uncomfortable with exposing private information during search which has become a major barrier for the wide proliferation of PWS. Search engines should provide security mechanism such that user will be ensured of its privacy and its information should be kept safe. Many personalization techniques are giving access to achieve personalization of user’s web search. Search engines can provide more accurate and specific data if users trust search engine and provide more information. But users should be ensured that their private information should be kept safe. In this paper we will discuss on different techniques on personalized web search and securing personalized information. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.16041

    Survey on privacy preservation in personalized web environment

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    Personalized web search (PWS) is a general category of search techniques aiming at providing different search results for different users or organize search results differently for each user, based upon their interest, preferences and information needs. As the expense, user information has to be collected and analyzed to figure out the user intention behind the issued query. However, users are uncomfortable with exposing private information during search which has become a major barrier for the wide proliferation of PWS. Search engines should provide security mechanism such that user will be ensured of its privacy and its information should be kept safe. Many personalization techniques are giving access to achieve personalization of user’s web search. Search engines can provide more accurate and specific data if users trust search engine and provide more information. But users should be ensured that their private information should be kept safe. In this paper we will discuss on different techniques on personalized web search and securing personalized information. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.16040

    Effect of Introduction of Fault and Imperfect Debugging on Release Time

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    One of the most important decisions related to the efficient management of testing phase of software development life cycle is to determine when to stop testing and release the software in the market. Most of the testing processes are imperfect once. In this paper first we have discussed an optimal release time problem for an imperfect faultdebugging model due to Kapur et al considering effect of perfect and imperfect debugging separately on the total expected software cost. Next, we proposed a SRGM incorporating the effect of imperfect fault debugging and error generation. The proposed model is validated on a data set cited in literature and a release time problem is formulated minimizing the expected cost subject to a minimum reliability level to be achieved by the release time using the proposed model. Solution method is discussed to solve such class of problem. A numerical illustration is given for both type of release problem and finally a sensitivity analysis is performed

    Pt(II) and Pd(II) complexes of isocytosine and guanine ligands

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    The central idea behind the present project was the synthesis of the cationic di- and trinucleotide analogs with a positively charged Pt2+ backbone. The nucleobases can attach to the metal centers either through a) N1 (unsubstituted isocytosine base), via b) N9 (unsubstituted guanine base), c) N7 (9-EtGH) or d) N9 (7-MeGH) These cationic oligonucleotides are expected to be kinetically robust. Moreover, the nucleobases attached to the metal centers are forced in a more or less coplanar orientation and the hydrogen bonding properties are usually maintained. The cationic oligonucleotides can function as antisense and antigene reagents due to their ability to bind both DNA and RNA targets with high specificity and affinity. The ligands of choice for the present work were common and rare nucleobases such as isocytosine, guanine, 9-ethylguanine and 7-methylguanine. These ligands were studied with regard to the effects of metallation on hydrogen bonding properties and tautomerism. As it turned out, the planned fixation of a suitable metal entity to a particular site of a nucleobase or to a particular tautomer of a nucleobase in most cases is anything but trivial. Understanding factors which determine the reactivity of individual nucleobase tautomers toward metal species eventually proved to be essential

    Music Recommendation Based on Face Emotion Recognition

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    We propose a new approach for playing music automatically using facial emotion. Most of the existing approaches involve playing music manually, using wearable computing devices, or classifying based on audio features. Instead, we propose to change the manual sorting and playing. We have used a Convolutional Neural Network for emotion detection. For music recommendations, Pygame & Tkinter are used. Our proposed sys-tem tends to reduce the computational time involved in obtaining the results and the overall cost of the designed system, thereby increasing the system’s overall accuracy. Testing of the system is done on the FER2013 dataset. Facial expressions are captured using an inbuilt camera. Feature extraction is performed on input face images to detect emotions such as happy, angry, sad, surprise, and neutral. Automatically music playlist is generated by identifying the current emotion of the user. It yields better performance in terms of computational time, as compared to the algorithm in the existing literature

    TWEEZER – Tweets Analysis

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    Twitter is one in all the foremost used applications by the people to precise their opinion and show their sentiments towards different occasions. Sentiment analysis is an approach to retrieve the sentiment through the tweets of the general public. Twitter sentiment analysis is application for sentiment analysis of information which are extracted from the twitter(tweets). With the assistance of twitter people get opinion about several things round the nation .Twitter is one such online social networking website where people post their views regarding to trending topics .It s huge platform having over 317 million users registered from everywhere the globe. a decent sentimental analysis of information of this huge platform can result in achieve many new applications like – Movie reviews, Product reviews, Spam detection, Knowing consumer needs, etc. during this paper, we used two specific algorithm –Naïve Bayes Classifier Algorithm for polarity Classification & Hashtag classification for top modeling. this system individually has some limitations for Sentiment analysis. The goal of this report is to relinquish an introduction to the present fascinating problem and to present a framework which is able to perform sentiment analysis on online mobile reviews by associating modified naïve bayes means algorithm with Naïve bayes classification

    The maternal and fetal outcome of repeat previous one caesarean section

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    Background: The rates of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes have increased significantly in the last decade. Patients with repeated caesarean deliveries also have a greater risk of placenta previa, placenta accrete, uterine rupture, bowel and bladder injury, and unplanned hysterectomy.Methods: This retrospective study was performed between 01 April 2017 to 31 March 2021, at a private hospital to know about the surgical difficulties and maternal and neonatal complications encountered in cases of repeated LSCS. The outcome of 1028 women admitted with a history of previous LSCS was studied.Results: The 613 patients were given a trial of labour. 40.07% of patients delivered normally. The most common indication for repeat LSCS was CPD in 20.94% and fetal distress 20.12%. The most common complication observed was adhesion in 37.65%. Scar dehiscence in 8.92 %, scar rupture in 0.64%, uterine atony in 4.8%, placenta previa in 3.57%, placenta accrete in 0.64%, injury to the bladder was seen in 0.97%, caesarean hysterectomy was done in only 2 cases and gaped wound was found in 1.13% of cases. 19.15% of neonates were admitted to NICU. Apgar score <7 at 5 minutes in 14.77%. premature neonates were 8.44% RDS was found in 7.62%, birth asphyxia was found in 2.92% cases and neonatal sepsis was found in 1.13%.Conclusions: The dramatic increase in caesarean section rates over the past three decades has been associated with a corresponding increase in maternal morbidity but there a continuous decrease in neonatal morbidity and mortality rates because of advances in neonatal medicine

    Metrics and Heuristics in Software Engineering

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    Heuristics plays an important role in software development and are widely used to provide a link between design principles and software measurement. They offer insightful information based upon experience that is known to work in practice. Heuristics are not meant to be exact; in fact, they derive their benefits from this imprecision by providing an informal guide to good and bad practices. They provide a means by which knowledge and experience can be delivered from the expert to the novice. The paper is set out to bring techniques for building maintainable object oriented software closer to the developer in the form of design heuristics. Heuristics document common design problems that developers encounter during software development. Some heuristics in software engineering can be expressed in high-level abstract terms while others are more specific. The heuristic catalogue provides a comprehensive reference point for both novice and expert developers to apply well-documented techniques for building maintainable software
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